1Card Campus Solutions
Our enterprise 1-Card solution provides unifies permissions,
credentials, payments, and security across your entire campus. Core
technology streamlines system management, integrates data between
systems through our data management engine, and manages financial
transactions. Our credential management system provides ID management,Tuition Fee
Photocopy, Printing & Scanning Service, Canteen Bill Management
Service, Mobile Recharge Service (Top up), Gym Management Service, Bus
Fare Management,Parking Management, 1Card Recharge Service, SMS
Notifications Service, Alumni Management System. Our customized
solutions provide a single point of access to campus life.

QR Payment Service
We are providing QR Payment Service to DIU. Every 1card user can enjoy this QR payment through our 1card App. One can pay their canteen bill, printer or photocopy charge, purchase medicine from amar pharma and lot more on campus service.